Samorost 3 Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay and Wiki

samorost 3

“Samorost 3” is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Amanita Design and the third entry in the Samorost series. Released in 2016, it was the first full-length work with high-definition images. The game follows a dwarf’s journey across five planets and four moons, solving puzzles and interacting with a mysterious world that lacks intelligible dialogue.

Players use the flute to communicate, solve puzzles, and aid creatures such as ghosts. The game has a unique walkthrough system that provides visual sketches for puzzle solutions. The gnome’s quest is intertwined with a compelling story involving monks, mechanical knights, and an evil force that threatens the universe.

Samorost 3 has been critically acclaimed for its surreal visuals, innovative gameplay, and unique design, making it a standout entry in the adventure game genre.

Samorost 3 Walkthrough

“Samorost 3” is a visually stunning point-and-click adventure game launched by Amanita Design, released on March 24, 2016. Players guide a space dwarf through a series of exquisitely detailed worlds and moons with no dialogue but rich visuals. The game’s protagonist wields a trumpet, an important tool for interacting with the environment and creatures he encounters.

A hint system alleviates potential frustration for players stuck in puzzles, and comprehensive walkthroughs are provided for complete guidance. The game is divided into five parts, each with unique puzzles and charming characters:

  • first planet
  • Asteroids and Second Planets
  • Ash Tree Moon
  • third planet
  • fourth planet

Inspired by classic adventure games like Gobliiins, Samorost 3 is the third entry in the series and features high-definition artwork and challenging, non-traditional puzzles. The lack of dialogue enhances the narrative atmosphere of the game. Players can further explore its universe by playing its predecessor “Samorost” for free and purchasing “Samorost 2” at a discount.


Samorost 3 Guide

“Samorost 3 Guide” is a comprehensive walkthrough designed to help players successfully understand the intricacies of the game “Samorost 3” developed by Amanita Design. Published on September 2, 2016, this guide provides in-depth step-by-step instructions, tips, tricks, and solutions for the iOS and PC versions of the game.

This guide covers every aspect of gameplay, including controls and mechanics unique to “Samorost 3.” It explains how players can use the flute to interact with creatures and objects that emit sound waves, an important aspect of the game’s puzzle mechanics.

Additionally, the guide advises players to explore carefully, as the game lacks clear instructions for transitioning to the next screen. Move closer to the edge of the screen and tap again, and a small arrow will appear indicating you can move forward.

A key feature of the guide is its coverage of achievements, which players can earn by thoroughly exploring the game world. These achievements are included in the walkthrough, giving players a full understanding of the game’s objectives.

To help players optimize their gaming experience, the guide recommends using multiple save slots and saving frequently in different locations. This approach ensures that players can easily go back and correct any mistakes or missed opportunities.

The walkthrough is divided into several sections, each corresponding to a different planet or moon in the game. These sections provide specific guidance on completing puzzles, overcoming challenges, and achieving each location’s unique objectives.

Essentially, the Samorost 3 Guide is an indispensable resource for players looking for help solving Samorost 3’s mysteries, puzzles, and stunning landscapes. By providing comprehensive information and strategies, this guide enhances players’ understanding and enjoyment of this visually captivating and intellectually stimulating adventure game.

Samorost 3 Gameplay

Samorost 3 offers a unique and engaging gaming experience. The game is developed by Amanita Design and bears similarities to the studio’s previous games. Notably, the game eschews traditional dialogue, relying on visual communication through thought bubbles and gibberish.

Players assume the role of the protagonist Gnome and embark on an interstellar journey across a series of planets. Equipped with a trusty inventory and a mysterious flute, the gnome’s adventure involves exploring different environments, solving complex puzzles, and collecting necessary items to overcome challenges.

Interaction with the game world is a key aspect. The gnome can communicate with various creatures he encounters on his travels. Some of these creatures, such as ghosts, need his help. The player’s use of the flute adds depth to the puzzles and is often an important tool in solving complex challenges.

A notable feature of Samorost 3 is its inclusion of a walkthrough system. If players get stuck, they can access a walkthrough mini-game, which provides help in the form of visual sketches depicting puzzle solutions. This innovative approach provides guidance without relying on traditional written or verbal instructions.

Samorost 3 presents a unique gameplay style centered around exploration, puzzle solving, and interaction with a visually rich and imaginative universe.

Samorost 3 plot

In “Samorost 3”, players will play as a dwarf and embark on an extraordinary interstellar journey. The story revolves around five planets and four moons, and the unexpected appearance of the magic flute near the dwarf’s home triggers his exploration.

Determined to trace its origins, the gnome teamed up with engineers to build a unique rocket. As the dwarf adventures through an enchanted universe, he encounters a variety of creatures in complex dilemmas who communicate through gestures and gibberish.

A complex story begins to emerge, in which the monks harness the power of the flute to fight an evil space octopus devouring planets. Through the gnomes’ quest, players uncover the struggles of the monks, their ingenious feats of engineering, and the emergence of the mechanical knights born to protect the universe.

The story intricately weaves themes of heroism, creativity, and cosmic balance. By unraveling the story, players ultimately help the dwarf restore harmony and complete his mission to protect the universe from the coming darkness.

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